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Oronsay Walk Sun 23 July 4_edited.jpg


My name is Michelle Seviour - the creative force behind Indigo Berry.  I live and work in the Isle of Skye, in the Scottish Highlands. This exceptionally beautiful place has been my home for most of my life.

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Walking the loop 14 June.jpg
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27 March 2020.jpg

"I design and create all Indigo Berry jewellery from home on the island. My cottage overlooks Loch Harport, with the Cuillins in the distance. With the changing seasons and weather - the light on the hills and the water changes and gives me constant inspiration"

how it all began
11April Loop Road Walk landscape 3.JPG
Reflected sun 10pm 13 Jun.jpg

The Indigo Berry Story

I have always been creative, but I discovered jewellery-making because  I was too much of a coward to get my ears pierced, and it was really difficult back then to get decent clip-on ear-rings.... so I decided to make my own.

Nearly 25 years after making that first set of ear-rings , Indigo Berry was launched. And, yes , I did eventually pluck up the courage to get my ears pierced!


From the majestic Cuillins to the rugged coastline, the volcanic derived Trotternish Ridge, to the wild flowers on the croft - the natural world around me is a constant source of inspiration for my designs.

11April Loop Road Walk landscape 3.JPG
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cuillins and bog cotton 31 May_edited.jpg

As well as the natural landscape, the Isle of Skye is also famous for its connection with the fairie folk and there is often a sprinkle of fairy dust to my designs.  Indigo Berry jewellery speaks of wild flowers, rockpool explorations, the wind in your hair, the waves on the shore and the whisper of fairies in the heather.

Handcrafted silver brooch FAIRY_edited.jpg
Artistic Inspirations

My designs are also influenced by my Art Historical background, and in particular my love of the Pre-Raphaelite painters.

Sometime back in the Dark Ages, I studied Art History at Leeds University and enjoyed a career in museums and art galleries. My designs might reference a memory of the stained glass colours and mediaeval costumes in Pre-Raphaelite paintings.

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